Winter Solstice: Rituals + Recipes

The BlackDiamondCollective (BDC) is on a mission to tell the world about the importance of observing the shifts that occur during the equinoxes and solstices on this planet. We have and continue to study earth wisdom as a way to help us live in a conscious relationship with the Earth, her seasonal cycles, and all the elements and energies we come across here. We recognize that we are not separate from the natural world– to be human is to come from nature as plants, animals, and weather do… 

In winter, the elements around us change–drastically. And, all of life responds to that shift. For instance, trees shed their leaves and dig deeper into the earth, while animals hibernate and sleep more. Humans too experience a shift, whether we attune to it or not. These human bodies know it's time to prepare for an inner-winter experience, like all of life around is doing. 

The Winter Solstice on Dec. 21st 7:58 PT/10:58 ET marks the darkest day of the year or the longest night of the year. This day brings with it unique energies only available during the transitional portal from Fall to Winter. This day also marks the moment in the entire year when the earth tilts on her axis to be furthest from the sun as she leans into the darkness, bringing all of life beings with her. This signals to us, humans, that there is something to be experienced in the darkest, furthest corners of us too.

Winter is a season of healing and the energies associated with it help us to heal: silence, darkness, releasing, rest, renewal, dreaming. In this time of great transformation, it is more important than ever to take the invitation that winter offers us to do some healing and nourishing.  

We encourage everyone to follow the pathways of the winter season… You can do this by holding rituals (like those listed below) to tap into and honor the different energies of winter that resonate most with you. You can also experience all of the practices listed by taking a full day or half day this season to practice them in sequence, releasing the letter and anything else you wish to release and not take with you in the next year. 

  1. Make a winter altar. Gather materials that remind you of winter season and energies, a bare twig that has given away, a representation of snow (globe), a dark stone..etc. Light a candle and sit in silence gazing upon the magic and mystery of this season. 

  2. Reflect on the year lived. This is a potent time to reflect and release the year lived. Perhaps you can write a letter to yourself, list all the ways you grew. Drinking a warm drink, handwriting by a candle light, and burying the letter or burning it with prayers or words of gratitude for having the opportunity to experience lifes moments.

  3. Go for a meditative walk. This is a silent, contemplative walk in nature (or neighborhood), where you are open to being in conversation with life to gather wisdom and information from your surroundings. This is a way for you to learn how to be in conversation with the energies around you (be safe and please respect local ordinances).

  4. Prepare and sit at a fire. And sit at the fire in silence, watching the flames dance, feeling into the ways your body is drawn in and balancing itself by being in proximity to it during this colder season. 

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at for personal recommendations. Blessed Wintering!

Suggested Healing Meal Recipes

Winter is the season when the body’s digestive fire is strongest. The body requires more fuel to stay warm and healthy in the winter months, and the cold weather forces the fire principle deep into the core of the body—igniting the digestive capacity. Our bodies, therefore, crave a more substantial, nutritive diet at this time of year, and you will likely find yourself eating larger quantities of food. You’ll want to focus on eating warm, cooked, slightly oily, well-spiced foods. A hearty stew and spiced chocolate recipe are offered as gifts from our co-founder, and Ayurvedic health coach Alex Karson. 

Red Lentil and Squash Stew

Adapted from Megan Knipp 


  • 1 tsp Extra virgin olive oil or Ghee

  • 1 sweet onion, chopped

  • 2 carrots, chopped

  • 3 garlic cloves, minced

  • 1 tbsp curry powder

    • (or cumin, turmeric, cinnamon 1 tsp each)

  • 1 tsp chili flakes (optional)

  • 3 cups bone broth or veggie broth of vegan

  • 1 can coconut milk

  • 1 cup red lentils

  • 3 cups cooked butternut squash 

  • 1 cup greens of choice

  • Fresh grated ginger, to taste

  • Kosher salt & black pepper, to taste

  • Cilantro to garnish


  • In a large pot, add EVOO or ghee and chopped onion and minced garlic. Sautee for about 5 minutes over low-medium heat.

  • Stir in curry powder and chili and cook for another couple minutes. Add broth, coconut milk and lentils and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and cook for 10 minutes.

  • Stir in cooked butternut squash and greens of choice. Cook over medium heat for about 5-8 minutes. Season with salt, pepper, and add some freshly grated ginger to taste.

Heart Opening Cocoa

Adapted from The Minimalist Baker

  • 10 ounces of hot water (or sub favorite dairy-free milk)

  • 1 tbsp unsweetened cacao powder 

  • 1 tsp reishi mushroom powder optional

  • 1 tsp coconut butter

  • 1 tbsp tocos (rice bran solubles; if using dairy-free milk, omit)

  • Sweetener of choice (stevia, maple syrup, or raw honey) 

  • 1/8 tsp cinnamon (optional)

  • 1 scoop collagen* (optional)


To a blender add hot water (or dairy free milk), cacao powder, reishi, coconut butter, tocos, and sweetener of choice (to taste). Add the cinnamon, and collagen at this time as well (all optional). Note: If using dairy-free milk in place of water, you can opt to skip the tocos and coconut butter as they're largely there to provide creaminess.

Blend on high until creamy and frothy — about 1 minute. Taste and adjust flavor as needed.

Serve and enjoy immediately.


Women Circles + Full Moons


Fall Equinox: Rituals + Recipes