Summer Solstice

A Virtual Ceremony Awakening our Highest Growth in a Time of Extreme Transformation

Brought to you by the Black Diamond Collective

“Dearly Beloved, we have gathered here today to get through this thing called life.”

— Prince

On the longest day of the year, we’ll connect with the energy of the sun in order to illuminate our connection to ourselves, each other, and all of life. Come join us.

Ceremony Details

When: Sunday, June 21st


9:30am - 12pm PST: Stringing of the Beads, Meditations, & Teachings

12pm -2pm PST: Lunch Break

2pm -5pm PST: Breakout Groups, Yoga Nidra, Prayer Circle, Closing

Where: Zoom

In this ceremony you will:

  • Experience intersectional Earth wisdom teachings about summer and our interconnectedness 

  • Experience yourself deeply, remembering that you are BOTH fully human and divine. 

  • Pray with your entire being. 

  • Connect with a like-minded spiritually conscious community

  • Connect deeply with a peaceful place in yourself

Context for the Day


Three highly-trained Earth Wisdom Sisters will guide you in a virtual ceremony, to connect with the power of the summer solstice energy.

  • When we gather in ceremony on the solstice, humans step into the summer season with intention to become the most aware of what we are manifesting (growing) in ourselves, in our communities, and in this lifetime. 

  • In the year 2020, amidst a global pandemic and continued social unrest, gathering on the Solstice, is to honor the transition from spring to summer, inside and outside of yourself.

  • We’ve created a ceremonial experience where we can each access our inner worlds deeply to listen to our truest wisdom. In that space, we will regroup, recalibrate, and re-envision who we want to be at this time. Listening to the bigger VISION, WE are all woven into.

  • Globally, we are seeing 2 diseases CLEARLY disrupt our status quo. We’ve been in a collective incubator as we sheltered in place while the COVID virus spread globally taking an estimated 450k lives. Now, the reality of systemic racism and police brutality against our Black-skinned brothers and sisters has surfaced loudly. Both are demanding systemic change.

  • The summer solstice is the portal from the spring to the summer season. Spring is the season of tender newness, where seeds sprout anew, yearning deeply to bloom fully. While summer is the season of intense growth, when a hearty crop, shoots up quickly and knows what it needs to do as it keeps reaching for the light. 

  • 20% of our proceeds will go towards BLACK LIVES MATTER or related city organizations in Seattle, Oakland, and San Francisco-- the three cities where the Earth Wisdom Sisters reside.

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“Whoever has heart’s doors wide open, could see the sun itself in every atom.”

- Rumi