Celebrating the Summer Solstice

Gratitude As Prayer: A Sacred Fire Virtual Ceremony

Sunday, June 20, 2021 : 9 AM - 12 PM PST | 12PM - 3PM EST

“May the stars carry your sadness away, May the flowers fill your heart with beauty, May hope forever wipe away your tears, And, above all, may silence make you strong.”

Chief Dan George, Tsleil-Waututh

What People Are Saying About BDC Virtual Ceremonies


“ I loved the whole experience of spending time moving really slowly, intentionally, staying off my phone, and dreaming. I loved the mindful eating, and the prayer that we were offered in the prep materials, and have continued that practice. I loved the teachings from the collective, the music, the breaks, the opportunity to draw.”

— Gabriella, NY

“The ceremony taught me the importance of taking time out to honor a new season. I like that it [allowed] us to harness feminine energy and affirm each other. There was no judgment and people could be themselves.”

— Shanetta, MD


“I'm a songwriter and I had LOTS of ideas for songs during that event. Overall it was stimulating emotionally, creatively, and in terms of connection to Earth and the season.”

— Louise, CA


“It was worth every minute and penny. I felt like this ceremony really held me in my spiritual work, inspired me, and nourished more seeds that will germinate and grow in my life. I was pleasantly surprised how well it worked in an online format. I knew it was going to be good, but it was great! I felt an immediate connection with the leaders, in their authenticity. It was also such a relief to have a woman of color leading too (I’m a WOC and it’s such a rare experience to feel that safe).”

— Sable, WA


Ceremony Details

Sunday June 20, 2021

9 AM - 12 PM PST II 12 PM - 3 PM EST

The Summer Solstice marks the seasonal shift from Spring (awakening) to Summer (a full energetic charge).

As we prepare to enter the summer season, a time of high action, high attention, heat, we are reminded of our true energy source— the light, a force of creation.

On the longest + brightest day of the year, this half-day ceremony will help you celebrate + connect with the energy of the light in order to illuminate your connection to yourself, your gifts, and to offer your biggest prayer to life- GRATITUDE, an energy that feeds us, all others around us, and the sacred hoop of all life.

Together we will step into ceremony to tap into the potent energetic portal of the Summer Solstice to remember that we are our ancestors’s wildest dreams and we are the ones we are waiting for.


In this ceremony you will…

  • You will be guided in ceremony by BDC co-founder Natalie Orozco to experience:

    • Intersectional Earth Wisdom Teachings 

    • Community of like-minded individuals

    • Spiritual connection

    • Self-Love + Awareness

    • Interconnectedness to all living and non-living things

  • You will walk away with:

    • A sense of alignment and ease

    • Feeling energetically cleansed + motivated

    • Connection to spiritual individuals

    • Spiritual tools to access stillness, gratitude, + prayer



$65 - Discounted Cost for those impacted financially

$95 - True Cost of the ceremony

$125 - Sponsorship Cost for those that have the resource to provide a scholarship contribution

Our Accessibility Promise: No one is turned away for lack of funds. Contact bdcollective20@gmail.com to discuss a payment plan or gift exchange. If you are interested in doing admin work in exchange for ceremony please let us know!

Our Give Back Promise: 10% of this ceremony’s proceeds will go to the Cultural Fire Management Council, an indigenous-led fire management NGO in Northern California, leaders of the Indigenous People’s Burning Network.


And still, after all this time, the sun never says to the earth, ’You owe Me’. Look what happens with a love like that, it lights the Whole Sky.


Wildly Wise Women. Coming Fall 2021; Open to all WOMXN

Join us for our flagship 10-week program that provides a journey of growing feminine leadership skills within an intimate group of womxn leaders through virtual circling.